
2013년 12월 12일 목요일

CVS Drink

You can make delicious drinks at convenience store. You can make and enjoy mixed drinks regardless of time, place and your pocketbook.
They tasty as vodca based cocktail. 
I introduce some drinks.

all of these drinks based on soju. 

1. Chocolate milk soju

Mix soju and chocolate milk at the ratio of you want. (My recommendation 1:3)
It's no matter what brands of chocolate milk you choose.
But I don't recommend different taste milk for example strawberry, banana etc.

2. Juicycool soju
Mix soju and juicycool at the ratio of you want.
Many brands of juicycool on sale. Choose anything of that, the taste is almost same.

3. Coffee soju
Mix soju and can coffee at the ratio of you want (My recommendation 1:3)
Coffee soju's taste really good.
It is also regardless of kind of brands, but I recommend you to avoid caramel macchiato. It's terrible.

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